What Makes High-End Hearing Instruments So High-End

Did you walk through the malls this holiday season? Ever notice how crowded and loud they are?

For a lot of people, having a conversation in the middle of all that hustle and bustle is quite difficult.

Think about it. You’ve got several hundred people all in an enclosed space, where sound bounces around like a cathedral. And of course there is always that extra loud music playing in the background attempting to keep people in the buying spirit.

The holidays are also the time of year a lot companies throw their annual staff parties, and friends and family gather in large numbers to spend time with one another.

Each year, around this time we receive many calls for help. And it’s the same familiar problem year after year, but for some, it’s finally time to fix it.

It goes like this…

  1. Big get together with coworkers, or friends and family.
  2. Everyone seems to be having a laugh and enjoying the conversation.
  3. Yet you notice that more then half of the time, you find yourself scratching your head – unsure of what was just said.
  4. Of course, to avoid the classic “get your hearing checked” comments from those around, you find yourself just smiling and nodding, or even laughing but with really no clue why.

Comical at first, but in reality this lack of clarity can be quite risky or embarrassing.

  • They may have said something you actually would have disagreed with, but you nodded in agreement
  • Or you just agreed to buy the next round of drinks. Yikes.
  • Or you’ll simply never really know what the punch line was and why everyone bursted out laughing.

And at some point, everyone reaches their limit and seeks help with their hearing.

This is where we come in.

Simply put, Noise makes conversation harder for everyone, especially if one has a little hearing loss.

But it doesn’t have to.

Today’s, hearing instruments are surprisingly discreet and extremely sophisticated now.

If you haven’t seen how small they actually are, we’ve got a few photos here. Their really impressive.

Compared to the olden days of huge, bulky, squaky devices, these things shouldn’t even be called ‘Hearing Aids’ – They are realtime wearable speech amplifiers.
And because of how technical they are now, helping find a real solution for a particular person is quite simple.

The question we often get is, “Do I really need high-end hearing instruments?”

Here is a simplified example of how we break our recommendations down…

  • If a person lives a relatively quiet life – not around much noise at all – then absolutely, a basic set of modern hearing instruments will do a fantastic job of turning up the volume of everyone’s voice.
  • However, the majority of the people we see, of those in their 30’s to 70’s, still have very active lives and are surrounded by background noise almost all day. This is where the acoustics of their lifestyle make hearing much more challenging.

From the hustle of the coffee shop noise on the way to work, to lunch out at the pub, or the frequent get-togethers with family and friends, many people are consistently surrounded by noise from all angles.

And today’s brilliantly advanced, High-End speech amplifiers zero in on the voices you want to hear, while in real-time reduce all the surrounding noises.

Unlike the basic level of hearing instruments which simply turn up all the volume of everything in the room, the more sophisticated levels of hearing instruments are consistently filtering noise and prioritizing speech right in front of you, in extremely precise ways.

These instruments make over a million calculations every second.

To put it plainly, the smarter the hearing instruments, the more precise and faster they are at turning up the clarity of the person you want to hear.

So if you really are in need of help with hearing in places with background noise, do yourself a favor this year, and begin hearing better with devices that will genuinely help you the best way possible.

Our mission is to provide the best hearing healthcare in all of Peterborough, Hastings, and Refrew counties. Everyone deserves to hhttps://theeardepot.com//contactear every moment of their lives with clarity and comfort; We exist to help make that a reality.

Call us to book a free consultation!!! CLICK HERE – We’re here to help.