October 2019

The History of Hearing Aids: From Past to Present

Hearing aids are incredible pieces of technology. This technology has revolutionized hearing for many individuals around the world. Like any piece of modern technology, there is a rich history behind their development; the ideas, the people, and creativity. For that reason, hearing aids are no exception when it comes to their past.   Believe it or not, the predecessors of hearing aids have been around for a very long time. Did you know the first ‘hearing aid’ goes back to the 1300s! Historically, hollow animal horns, like those from cows and rams, called ear trumpets were used as the original hearing device.   Ancient History: 1800s Traditional ear trumpets were ‘modernized’ in the 1800’s by Frederick C. Rein using different materials. They didn’t necessarily amplify the sound, but collected it and funneled it into the ear; for instance like when you cup your hand around your ear.   In 1870, Thomas Edison, who experienced hearing loss himself, added an adaptation to his telephone which increased the volume by 15dB! [That's the roughly the equivalent of turning your TV from 10 to 20]. It wasn’t a lot, but it began the journey of modern hearing technology.   Hearing aids history follows along with the development of technology, beginning with the discovery of electricity!     Early Hearing Aids: 1900-1920s With electricity came the first electronic hearing aids, known today as the Vacuum Tube hearing aids. Hearing aids became commercially available in 1913. These models were big, clunky, and in most cases not...

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Ah! I need hearing aids

I need hearing aids... “That must mean I’m old.” We hear this so often in the office when people first visit us. With such a common association between needing hearing aids and being ‘old’ it’s no wonder there is hesitation and fear attached to having your hearing tested. But you know what, it’s not true! Hearing loss is not just an ‘old person’ phenomenon. Hearing loss affects everyone… all ages, genders, and races.  Statistics According to the World Health Organization (WHO) around 466 million people across the world suffer from hearing loss and 34 million of these are children. In 2013, Statistics Canada reported 4.6 million Canadians (19% of the population) ages 20-70 reported having hearing loss; 55% being under the age of 60!  Age may have a strong connection to hearing loss, but it’s not the ONLY one.    Causes of hearing loss I would say close to half of our clients have what we call ‘noise-induced hearing loss’. Meaning they’ve worked in factories, construction, around machinery, or other ridiculously loud sounds for a prolonged period of time. Other causes may include Meningitis, diabetes, some medications, genetics… the list goes on.  Age does not equal hearing loss So hearing loss really isn’t just an age thing. I know what you’re thinking, ‘okay Taylor, you can give me all the stats you want, but that doesn’t change how I feel.’ That’s fair, so let’s look at it this way... Would you have the same fear of being told you need glasses,...

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Animal Therapy for Tinnitus – Support Group Recap

Tinnitus Support Group Recap - October 2019 Back again, where did September go! This month, our Tinnitus Support Group discussed and tried out animal therapy. A very special thanks to Lynda and Lana from East Central Therapy Dogs for coming in to see us.  It is the hope that through this group, anyone with Tinnitus can join in to find support from others who have Tinnitus, learn about new therapies to try, possibly test out some of them out, and ultimately find hope in knowing they are not alone.  Let's dive into this month's topic! This Month's Group This month we were joined by 3 individuals with Tinnitus and their spouses, as well as Lynda from East Central Therapy Dogs, who also happens to have Tinnitus herself.  These individuals have all had Tinnitus for a number of years and tried out a variety of therapies to bring down the ringing. Aside from Lynda, one member of our group has utilized animal therapy with a neighbour's dog. What is Animal Therapy? There is something about having a dog around.       With East Central Dog Therapy, a session looks a little like this. The individual gets about 15 minutes petting the dog and talking with the handler. In their program, handlers are trained in how to carry on a conversation and facilitate the time with the client and dog.         The simple act of stroking a dog, cat, or other animal can change a number of things in...

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