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Partner Series: Self-Regulation and Partner Stress

Partner Stress Series Part 2 In part 1 of our stress series, we discussed what stress is and how it relates to hearing loss and tinnitus. Off the top of your head, I'm sure you could come up with several strategies to reduce some of the stress caused by those. However, the most important thing about these strategies is their ability to regulate stress in a consistent way. This is where self-regulation and partner stress (or your own) comes in. Self-Regulation Dr. Stuart Shanker has created a framework for life and stress called Self-Regulation (or Self-Reg). Dr. Shanker is not the first to use this term, but his particular perspective on how it can affect our lives is unique. Self-reg is not self-control or stress management; it’s a way of looking at stress and working out the root cause rather than just trying to control or manage the behaviour. So what is Self-Reg? Mindful self-reg involves learning to recognize and respond to stress in our environments to bring ourselves back to homeostasis (balance or calm). It's about... exploring and testing out the ways in which relationships, environments, routines, and activities can enhance self-regulation recognizing stress behaviour (behaviour that is reactive or caused by excessive stress) noticing subtle signs of stress behaviour that we never saw or understood before finding our own self-reg so we can help those around us learn how to regulate themselves in the same way We do this by understanding there is positive and negative stress. Stress is...

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Client Series: Self-Regulation and Stress

Client Stress Series Part 2 In part 1 of our stress series, we discussed what stress is and how it relates to hearing loss and tinnitus. Off the top of your head, I'm sure you could come up with several strategies to reduce some of the stress caused by those. However, the most important thing about these strategies is their ability to regulate stress in a consistent way. This is where self-regulation and stress come in.  Self-Regulation Dr. Stuart Shanker has created a framework for life and stress called Self-Regulation (or Self-Reg). Dr. Shanker is not the first to use this term, but his particular perspective on how it can affect our lives is unique. Self-reg is not self-control or stress management; it’s a way of looking at stress and working out the root cause rather than just trying to control or manage the behaviour. So what is Self-Reg? Mindful self-reg involves learning to recognize and respond to stress in our environments to bring ourselves back to homeostasis (balance or calm). It's about... exploring and testing out the ways in which relationships, environments, routines and activities can enhance self-regulation recognizing stress behaviour (behaviour that is reactive or caused by excessive stress) noticing subtle signs of stress behaviour that we never saw or understood before finding our own self-reg so we can help those around us learn how to regulate themselves in the same way We do this by understanding there is positive and negative stress. Stress is on a curve... We...

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Partner Series: Stress and Hearing Loss

Partner Stress Series Part 1 Watch (with headphones is possible) till 1:13. Having just experienced a small example of what people with hearing loss deal with daily, how do you feel? Could you feel your stress level rising? Hearing loss is more complicated than not just being able to hear... it can create or add to the stress in our lives. In today's world, we have a lot of stress in our lives. According to the American Psychology Association, 75% of adults experience moderate to high stress on a monthly basis and the amount of stress has increased in the last year alone. With this much stress flying around everywhere it’s important we understand what stress is, how it is affecting us; both physically and mentally, and how hearing loss increases and maintains heightened stress levels. So what can we do about it? What is Stress? We all have some idea or definition we immediately think of for 'stress'. It may be a feeling we associate with it, a situation, or a scientific definition. But what is stress really? Stress is "the non-specific response [emotional or physical] of the body to a demand imposed on it”1. by strain or adverse circumstances. At its fundamental base, stress is an imbalance. Within our bodies, our systems are constantly trying to remain in homeostasis (balance). When things occur in our environment that increase the energy needed to accomplish a task, it changes how our body reacts. Chemicals in our brains change, our circulatory...

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stress and hearing loss

Client Series: The Stress of Hearing loss and Tinnitus

Client Stress Series Part 1 In 2020, I think we all understand that our lives are influenced by stress. This could be work stress, financial stress, physical, mental… global pandemic… etc. but we all have some idea of what stress is and what that means for us. Now add one more thing on top of your life stress: the stress of hearing loss and/or tinnitus. Both are not just an ear problem... they can create or add to the stress in your life. In today's world, we have a lot of stress in our lives. According to the American Psychology Association, 75% of adults experience moderate to high stress monthly and the amount of stress has increased in the last year alone. With this much stress flying around everywhere it’s important we understand what stress is, how it is affecting us; both physically and mentally, and how hearing loss and tinnitus increase and maintains heightened stress levels. So what can we do? First, let’s take a look at what stress actually is. What is Stress? We all have some idea or definition we immediately think of for 'stress'. It may be a feeling we associate with it, a situation, or a scientific definition. But what is stress really? Stress is "the non-specific response [emotional or physical] of the body to a demand imposed on it”1. by strain or adverse circumstances. At its fundamental base, stress is an imbalance. Within our bodies, our systems are constantly trying to remain in homeostasis (balance)....

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