February 2021

Hearing Aids are NOT Like Glasses

When talking about sensory aids, hearing aids usually are compared to getting glasses. The thought is that once the hearing aids are in everything should sound ‘normal.’ Just as your vision becomes 20/20 when you put on glasses. However, as those of us that have hearing aids or work in hearing know that is not the case.   Here's what would happen if we really treated glasses like hearing aids. https://youtu.be/LJog3HUITFk In all seriousness, they are different, but we shouldn't treat people any differently for wearing one or the other.  Here are a few reasons why hearing aids aren’t like glasses. Hearing aids do not restore your hearing to “normal”. Your practitioner will do their best to have your hearing aids working at the best volume and clarity, but unfortunately, hearing aid technology can’t yet exactly mimic the complexities of human hearing. Hearing aids amplify all sounds, including those you don’t want to hear. Like the hum of the refrigerator and other background noise. While background sounds can be decreased some, it won’t ever be perfect. Unlike glasses where you want everything to look clearer! They are not seen as fashion accessories, like some glasses. Although some hearing aids now come in a wide range of sleek styles and colours. Hearing aids often carry the stigma of being old or something to be ashamed of, unlike glasses which make you look “smart.” Hearing aids need batteries to function. Simple, but it is a big difference! Hearing aids can make some noise...

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new hearing aids

Tips for a New Hearing Aid Wearer

Tips for a New Hearing Aid Wearer Congratulations on your new hearing aids! As a new hearing aid wearer, you've made a huge step to improving your hearing and ability to have conversations. We know from experience that wearers who receive proper instruction, have healthy expectations going in, and who practice consistently within the first 30-60 days of getting their hearing aids have the most success. So here are some exercises, tips, and encouragement to help guide you to get the most out of your new hearing aids in any situation.    Fitting your Hearing Aids On the day of your fitting appointment, your practitioner will physically fit your new hearing aids and adjust them to your specific hearing needs and perceptions. Things they might discuss include: Inserting and removing the hearing aids Red is for the Right; Blue is for the Left Batteries or charging Batteries are AIR activated; once the sticker is removed they will begin draining. On average they last between 5 and 7 days. For rechargeable, place them on the charger each night Usage and programs Turn your hearing aids off if not in use: done by opening the battery door or placing the hearing aids on the charger   Don't be afraid to ask questions! We try not to overwhelm you with too much information, but we also want you to be comfortable, confident, and informed. Here are some good questions to ask when purchasing hearing aids.  Tips for Hearing Success The first few weeks of...

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