May 2023

mental health

Hearing Loss and Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so looking at the relationship between hearing loss and mental well-being is appropriate. Recent studies have revealed a correlation between untreated hearing loss and various mental health concerns, particularly in older adults. This blog post will explore why hearing loss affects our mental health and provide some preventative strategies. Hearing loss, depression, and cognitive decline While mental health is commonly associated with factors like stress and genetics, the research emphasizes the significance of our hearing in maintaining mental well-being. Untreated hearing loss can negatively impact our mental health, increasing the risk of depression and anxiety. Struggling to engage in conversations and participate in social activities due to hearing difficulties can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, contributing to symptoms of depression. Moreover, compensating for hearing loss can be mentally exhausting, affecting concentration, memory, and daily tasks. Untreated hearing loss is also linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline, including conditions like Dementia and Alzheimer's. Social isolation, lack of brain stimulation (use it or lose it theory), and auditory processing challenges (how hard the brain works to interpret sounds) are believed to connect to these health issues. When our brains are deprived of stimulation due to hearing loss and reduced social interaction, certain areas lose their ability to function optimally. Signs of hearing loss and mental health concerns Detecting hearing loss and understanding its potential impact on our health is crucial. By familiarizing ourselves with the signs of hearing loss and indicators of mental health...

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buying a hearing aid

3 Key Factors to Consider When Buying Hearing Aids

Purchasing hearing aids is an exciting experience! But we also know they are an investment and want you to be confident in your purchase. So when thinking about new hearing aids or discussing them with your practitioner, here are some things to consider when buying hearing aids. What matters most to you? Based on your lifestyle and preferences, there are several features offered with hearing aids to choose from. Based on these choices, the practitioners can give you a better recommendation on the technology that would work best for you. Consider: Rechargeable Batteries This is great for someone who doesn't want to change batteries, has poor dexterity, or uses other rechargeable items daily. When considering battery options, also think about the length of your day. Is your work schedule consistent, or can your hours change? If a battery died during the middle of the day, could you go without your hearing aids? Are you in places you could charge your hearing aid if needed, etc.? Connectivity Do you use Bluetooth in your everyday life? It can be used with your phone, the system in your car, your tv, etc. This is a great feature for someone on the go, who uses their phone throughout the day, or likes listening to music! Hearing in Noise A noisy conversation may be fine for someone who lives a quiet life or only goes to a restaurant occasionally. However, this may be a more considerable consideration for someone who regularly attends large meetings, has a...

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