June 2021

Applying for WSIB Hearing Aids

WSIB Hearing Aids Do you or have you worked in noise? If you were exposed to high levels of noise that resulted in 'noise-induced' hearing loss, you may be entitled to hearing aids through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). For those that have worked in factories, around big machinery, driven large trucks, etc. there is a lot of noise in your environment. If you think your hearing has been affected by work-related noise, here are 3 steps to applying for WSIB covered hearing aids. Steps to Apply Get a hearing test - this lets us know if you display 'noise-induced' hearing loss and is part of the application process Fill out the WSIB application - the application will include information about your work history Wait for decision - once we send in the application it can take anywhere from 6-months to 1 year to get a decision from the adjudicator, but worth the wait for sure. And that's it, those are the steps for applying for WSIB hearing aids! We'll take care of all the paperwork for you. If approved... If WSIB approves your claim, you are entitled to several things. Obviously, they will pay for your hearing aids; which they will replace for you every 5 years for the rest of your life. Additionally, any appointments and supplies for the hearing aids will also be covered. This includes program adjustments, annual hearing tests, hearing aid cleanings, batteries, etc.   While there is a wait if you got hurt...

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Warning signs

Warning Signs of Hearing Loss

Early Warning Signs of Hearing Loss For many people, hearing health and hearing loss are not something they think about on a regular basis. But hearing loss doesn't just effect babies and the elderly. Acquired hearing loss does happen gradually, typically why many people don't know about it or address it until they are older, but it can happen to ANYONE at any age. Here are some early warning signs of hearing loss you should watch out for... *Hearing loss can occur for different reasons and there are several types of hearing loss, but for our purposes, we will be discussing signs of gradual sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is the most common and can occur due to noise exposure, genetics, and aging. Warning Signs of Hearing Loss These warning signs are not just about how you are hearing, but how you feel about your hearing. Here are a few early warning signs we hear from clients or ask regularly: Sounds and speech seem muffled Misunderstanding words in conversation You have difficulty understanding conversation, especially in crowds or with background noise Feeling lost in conversation, especially with a group You frequently ask others to repeat themselves, speak slower, or louder Needing to turn up music or TV; sometimes loud enough that others comment on the volume Having difficulty understanding women's and children's voice Difficulty hearing on the phone Avoiding social settings like parties, noisy restaurants, etc. Not participating in conversation Feeling physically and/or mentally exhausted after listening to...

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