June 2023

summer fun

Safeguard Your Ears This Summer

Summer is here, and it's time to soak up the sun and embrace the excitement of the season. From beach parties and music festivals to backyard barbecues and water sports, the options for fun seem endless. But amidst all the noise and revelry, it's crucial to protect your precious hearing. Don't worry, we've got your back! In this blog, we'll dive into some tips on how to safeguard your ears this summer while still rocking those awesome, noisy summer activities. How Loud Is It Really? Let's talk numbers for a moment to highlight just how loud some of these summer activities can get. Concerts and music festivals can reach ear-piercing levels of up to 120 decibels (dB), comparable to a jet engine taking off! Fireworks can explode with a bang of around 150 dB, equivalent to standing next to a roaring freight train. Motorized water sports, like jet skis or speedboats, can generate noise levels of up to 100 dB, akin to the sound of a chainsaw. It's important to realize that prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 dB can cause irreversible damage to your hearing. So, understanding the intensity of these noises emphasizes the importance of taking precautions to protect your ears during these exciting summer activities. 5 Tips to Protect Your Ears and Still Have Fun 1. Gear up with hearing protectors. Before diving headfirst into those ear-splitting activities, grab some reliable hearing protection. Earplugs (custom or universal foam ones) and earmuffs are your trusty sidekicks when it comes...

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telehealth online

Telehealth for Hearing Aids

In recent times, a new term has become quite popular: telehealth. With the COVID-19 pandemic, how we access healthcare has changed to ensure continued access while respecting distancing guidelines. But what exactly is telehealth, and how does it relate to hearing aids? In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of telehealth, specifically focusing on how it benefits individuals with hearing loss. So, if you're new to the concept, sit back and let's explore how telehealth is transforming hearing healthcare! Understanding Telehealth Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, is defined as receiving healthcare services remotely using technology to connect patients and healthcare professionals. In the field of audiology, tele-audiology has emerged as a powerful tool to overcome geographical barriers and enhance access to hearing healthcare. It involves the use of secure video conferencing platforms, smartphone apps, and other digital tools to connect with hearing care professionals without having to visit a clinic in person. While remote care is not new to audiology, its popular use of it has grown. Advantages of Telehealth Telehealth for hearing aids comes with several exciting benefits. Here are some key advantages that make it a convenient option: a) Convenience and Accessibility: Imagine getting hearing care services from the comfort of your own home. Telehealth makes it possible! No more travelling long distances or facing mobility challenges. You can access hearing healthcare regardless of your location. b) Saving Costs and Travel: Traditional clinic visits often involve expenses for transportation and other associated costs. Telehealth eliminates or reduces...

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