Hearing Aid Coverage

Hearing aids are an investment. Like many things in life, with advancements, inflation, and the general cost of living, items are getting more expensive. But, there are funding programs available to Ontarians to help with the cost of hearing aids. These are what we would call 3rd parties and some 3rd parties offer hearing aid coverage… do you qualify?

Private Insurance Coverage


If you have private health benefits, outside of OHIP, a certain amount of coverage is allocated for hearing devices. This can range from coverage every 3-5 years, a percentage of the total, or a lump sum towards the cost. Regardless, any help financially can be a great benefit. For information on your benefit’s coverage, call your insurance provider directly and ask them about hearing aid benefits.

Government Hearing Aid Funding

Under Ontario health, every Ontario citizen in need of hearing aids is eligible for funding under the Assistive Devices Program (ADP). ADP provides $500 per hearing aid every 5 years for Ontario residents with a valid OHIP card. At The Ear Depot, we consider this funding from the beginning so you get the automatic savings and we handle all of the paperwork.


If you work or have worked in noise, you may be entitled to benefits from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). Or as some people call it Workers Comp. WSIB will cover the expenses of hearing aids to a certain extent if it is a noise-induced hearing loss. Thus, workplace noise occurs in very loud environments such as factories, construction, around heavy machinery, etc.

If you were exposed to high levels of noise at your workplace for long periods of time on a daily basis (90dB for 8 hours or more) then, it is highly likely that you will suffer from hearing loss at a later date. With a hearing test, we evaluate if you are a possible candidate for WSIB coverage. In the case you are, we can help you start the application process to seek approval for funding.

DVA (now VAC)

The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) or now Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) provides a variety of healthcare benefits for veterans. If you have noise-induced hearing loss from your service, you may be entitled to hearing aids covered by DVA. This includes those currently in service and veterans of the Canadian military and RCMP.


As a First Nations or Inuit individual, registered with the Canadian government, you are entitled to Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB). This includes hearing aids. While there is a lot of paperwork, we at The Ear Depot will guide you through the steps and submit everything on your behalf. Under NIHB you are entitled to fully covered hearing aids every 5 years. 

Social Assistance

Programs like the Ontario Disability Support Program (OSDP) of Canada cover financial assistance and medical expenses to a certain extent. Additionally, there may be funding available for you if you qualify for programs such as Ontario Works (OW) or ODSP and are in need of hearing aids. Not sure if you qualify for hearing aids under these social programs? With the proper information, we can reach out to your support worker, inquire about your status, and request the necessary paperwork. 

Hearing Aid Coverage

In conclusion, if you or a loved one think they may be eligible for 3rd party hearing aid coverage from any of the programs listed above, call to schedule an appointment. This would include a hearing test to determine if hearing aids are right for you and a discussion of your history, lifestyle, and possible eligibility for a 3rd party. Bonus, we’ll take care of all the paperwork for you! Call us today at 705-749-0707.

About Author: Taylor Wilson


Taylor Wilson H.I.D I was born and raised in the Peterborough area, so I’m thrilled to be back in town serving my community. I started with The Ear Depot over 5 years ago as a Communications Disorders Assistant (CDA) and I'm now almost completed my training as a Hearing Instrument Dispenser. As someone who enjoys a good cup of coffee and chat with my family or friends, I understand the importance of being able to hear and understand the conversation going on around you in any environment. I’m looking forward to serving you to ensure you’re hearing the best you can be.