Neurotherapy – Tinnitus Group Recap November 2019

Tinnitus Support Group Recap – November 2019

Back again! This month, our Tinnitus Support Group discussed Neurotherapy for Tinnitus. A very special thanks to Jennifer Sprague from MettaMorphosis Peterborough for introducing us to Neurotherapy and the work you do.
It is the hope that through this group, anyone with Tinnitus can join in to find support from others who have Tinnitus, learn about new therapies to try, test out some of them, and ultimately find hope in knowing they are not alone.
Let’s dive into this month’s topic!

This Month’s Group

This month we had 2 individuals with Tinnitus and their spouses join us, as well as Jennifer, our guest speaker.
These individuals have had Tinnitus for many years and tried out a variety of therapies to bring down the ringing. However, Neurotherapy is new to the group.

What is Neurotherapy?

Neurotherapy, also called neurofeedback, biofeedback, or neuromodulation has to do with retraining electrical waves in the central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord). The goal is to have them work in a more natural, healthy, and rhythmic manner. If the activity in the brain is not optimally functioning, corresponding problems may reflect in our mental or physical health.
Jennifer described Neurotherapy as being like physiotherapy for the brain. After an injury, physical healing first needs to occur; once that happens the damaged area needs rehabilitation. This is done with electrical frequencies.
Another way to think about it is as a “mirror for the brain to see its activity.” When we see ourselves in the mirror we may adjust our hair, posture, etc. The brain does the same when it ‘sees’ itself, it begins to make small adjustments to correct what isn’t working properly or with enough strength.
Additionally, because Neurotherapy uses pulsed electromagnetic signals (PEMF), it increases blood flow to that area. Increased blood flow means speeding the healing process.
In a nutshell, Neurotherapy is about healing and retraining the brain.

Neurotherapy Session

Neurotherapy is a non-invasive therapy. Small electrodes are placed on your head. These electrodes stimulate the parts of the brain identified as not working optimally using a range of frequencies. I.e. pink noise (softer sinusoidal waves) and white noise (more harsh square waves). In stimulating that part of the brain with a specific frequency, it reminds the brain of how to function as it should.
Regular brain waves act like regularly thrown pebbles into a pond that makes predictable ripples. When your brain waves are not in rhythm it is more like stormy waves, unpredictable and choppy. The stimulation gets the brain rippling in a normal pattern again.

Neurotherapy and Tinnitus

Neurotherapy is changing constantly! Clinicians are trying out different protocols, or sets of frequencies, for the various conditions they treat all the time. Most Neurotherapy starts with clinicians trying something and then having research done after to determine why it was or wasn’t effective. This is what they call it”bleeding edge” technology. 
As part of a new update to MettaMorphosis’ therapy software, two protocols have been published that may help with Tinnitus. These protocols were developed by clinicians that have Tinnitus. They’ve tried a hypothesis on themselves and had some success, so they shared it with the larger neuroscience community.
Tinnitus being a complex condition with a combination of factors, this kind of therapy may focus on one or two of the major concerns. Jennifer noted that Neurotherapy can make a big difference with fatigue, stress, anxiety, and sleep… anything caused by tension in the body. 
Although this therapy is relatively new in treating Tinnitus, it absolutely can address some of the symptoms that may increase the ringing. 
If we can help reduce stress and improve sleep it will help people heal – Jennifer



What Jennifer and her team are doing is incredible; only 10 clinics in all of Canada have the equipment to do what they do and the results are truly amazing.
If you’re interested in trying out Neurotherapy for your Tinnitus, call the clinic to book an appointment; no doctor’s referral necessary. Check your insurance provider if they cover psychologists or psychotherapists, as you may be eligible for some coverage as well.

Next Month’s Group Topic

We’ll be back on December 11th to discuss family/spousal support, strategies for groups, and navigating all those upcoming holiday parties. We will also be talking about some exciting things we have planned for the new year.
Please give us a call if you have questions or to let us know you’ll be attending – 705-749-0707.


If you missed last month’s group, that’s okay, check out our recap blog!

About Author: Taylor Wilson

Taylor Wilson H.I.D I was born and raised in the Peterborough area, so I’m thrilled to be back in town serving my community. I started with The Ear Depot over 5 years ago as a Communications Disorders Assistant (CDA) and I'm now almost completed my training as a Hearing Instrument Dispenser. As someone who enjoys a good cup of coffee and chat with my family or friends, I understand the importance of being able to hear and understand the conversation going on around you in any environment. I’m looking forward to serving you to ensure you’re hearing the best you can be.