Online Tinnitus Group – Tinnitus Apps

Tinnitus Apps

Although we can’t meet in person for our Tinnitus Group, we can still dive into a topic online!

Have you ever been out and about (out for a walk, doing groceries, out for dinner…) when your Tinnitus flares up. Although many of our strategies can be used when you are on the go, there are also a number of apps you can download to your phone for when you’re in a pinch. 

Here are 8 apps that you can use for your Tinnitus; whether that is for masking or to help you sleep. These apps are a combination of those for Android and Apple devices. While there are way more out there than lists, I included those with a 4.5 rating or higher and were free or cost very little. 

8 Apps for your Tinnitus

Sleep Apps Name Descriptions Devices Price Rating
Sleep App Sleep Pillow Customizable sleep sounds and works as an alarm Apple $2.99 4.9
Sleep app White Noise: Sleep Sounds Choose from 30 different calming sounds to help you sleep Android Free 4.7
Sleep App Relax Melodies Select sounds, melodies, and meditations to combine them to create your own mix to help you sleep AndroidApple Free  4.6
Sleep App Sleep Bug White noise and music  Android Apple Free version 4.6
Sleep app Relax & Sleep Well Created by clinical hypnotherapists, the app uses hypnotherapy and meditation recordings AndroidApple Free 4.6
Masking Apps Name Descriptions Devices Price Rating
Tinnitus app ReSound Tinnitus Relief A combination of sounds and relaxing exercises that you can personalize to best suit your Tinnitus Apple Free 4.7
Tinnitus App White Noise (Apple)
White Noise Lite (Android)
A variety of sounds that you can select and mix to best fit your needs Apple



Tinnitus App Beltone Tinnitus Calmer Customize your sounds and track how they work for your Tinnitus AndroidApple Free 4.7

Give them a Try!

Now you have some options to try! As everyone’s Tinnitus is a bit different, try the various apps and their different sounds or combination of sounds to find the right combination for you. Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried any of these apps and how they worked!

Until we can meet again, check out our  Tinnitus Support Group  blogs on our website!

About Author: Taylor Wilson

Taylor Wilson H.I.D I was born and raised in the Peterborough area, so I’m thrilled to be back in town serving my community. I started with The Ear Depot over 5 years ago as a Communications Disorders Assistant (CDA) and I'm now almost completed my training as a Hearing Instrument Dispenser. As someone who enjoys a good cup of coffee and chat with my family or friends, I understand the importance of being able to hear and understand the conversation going on around you in any environment. I’m looking forward to serving you to ensure you’re hearing the best you can be.