5 Tips for Hearing in Noisy Environments

noisy environment

5 Tips for Hearing in Noisy Environments

Cool-weather is upon us. Meaning school, work, and indoor dining will soon be back… and these environments are noisy! Excessive noise can make hearing difficult, especially with hearing aids. Here are 5 tips for hearing in noisy environments for you to try.

1. Choose an ‘out-of-the-way’ spot

Whether in a restaurant, meeting in person, or meeting via Zoom finding a quieter environment will help you remain focused and hear clearer. A booth in the corner, an empty office, sitting further away from foot traffic, etc.

By controlling small parts of the environment you are giving yourself the best possible chance of accurately hearing the conversation.

2. Go early or in “off peaks”

As silly as it sounds, going out for dinner early (or late) or scheduling a meeting for a slower time in the office could make a big difference. With fewer people, you encounter less noise. Plus, it just makes for a more pleasant experience.

3. Use assistive devices

Many manufacturers have created remote microphones that can be used in tandem with your hearing aids. These mics can be sat on a table or clipped to the speaker’s lapel to stream their voice directly to your hearing aids!

Starkey’s Surflink Remote Microphone

Big venues like churches, theaters, and arenas might have Induction loops or FM systems that can connect your hearing aids to the building’s audio system. The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association has some great information on these systems.

*Not all venues have these systems anymore. Additionally, your hearing aids need to have certain features to use these systems. If interested, you can check with the venue and your hearing practitioner if these are available to you.

4. Use good communication skills

No matter how good your hearing aids are, they can’t make up for poor communication skills. Good communication is the responsibility of both the speaker and the listener. As the listener, you are doing your part by wearing your hearing aids. The speaker can use certain communication skills to help you hear them clearly. Talk to your conversation partners about accommodations you need (i.e. make sure I’m looking directly at you, speak to me on my left side, etc.) so they can do their part. 

5. Talk to your practitioner

If you’re still finding certain environments to be difficult, talk to your hearing practitioner. Sometimes a small adjustment to your hearing aids settings can increase the volume and clarity for those noisier places. Additionally, most hearing aids can be set up with a specific hearing program for those environments. For example, you could have a restaurant program or a music program to optimize listening in those settings. 




Hearing aids are a big help in most listening environments, but sometimes we need to take extra steps to ensure we are hearing our best. Using these 5 tips for hearing in noisy environments lets your hearing aids work as they should so you don’t miss out.

About Author: Taylor Wilson


Taylor Wilson H.I.D I was born and raised in the Peterborough area, so I’m thrilled to be back in town serving my community. I started with The Ear Depot over 5 years ago as a Communications Disorders Assistant (CDA) and I'm now almost completed my training as a Hearing Instrument Dispenser. As someone who enjoys a good cup of coffee and chat with my family or friends, I understand the importance of being able to hear and understand the conversation going on around you in any environment. I’m looking forward to serving you to ensure you’re hearing the best you can be.