Tinnitus Support Group – Covid 19 Tinnitus Recap

Tinnitus Recap: Do’s and Don’ts

do's and don'ts

During this time with Covid-19, we haven’t been able to meet for our regular Tinnitus Support Group (we miss you guys!). So, while we are social distancing, I thought we could look back at the last 7 months and what we’ve learned in that time. Here are some Tinnitus recap do’s and don’t we’ve learned in regards to reducing and maintaining your Tinnitus. 


Tinnitus Recap DO’S

  • Use sound therapy for general flare-ups or when you can’t wear your hearing aids (i.e. going to bed)
  • Pet your fluffy family member! The act of stroking a dog, cat, etc. has a number of health benefits. For Tinnitus it can help by reducing your blood pressure or providing a distraction.
  • Know that it’s a disconnect between your brain and ears; it’s not all in your head!
  • Take breaks if you need it; that’s okay!
  • Watch out for your peak hours; you may be better say in the morning to be in groups or around noise.
  • Try ear massage (using in acupuncture)!
  • Watch the foods you eat; they might have more of an impact than you think.

For triggers: Be prepared with strategies or avoid those situations.

Tinnitus Recap DON’TS

  • Avoid or reduce sugar. Not only will it be better for your waistline but your brain as well. For more foods that could influence your Tinnitus check out our session with a registered nutritionist.
  • Think you’re in this alone. You are not the only one experiencing and you have people around you to support you and be your advocate.
  • Give up! Tinnitus is not one size fits all; what works for one person may not work for you. Keep trying different techniques until you find what works best for YOU!
  • Avoid sleep. Sleep can be difficult with Tinnitus, but don’t put off finding a solution for your sleep. Lack of sleep can increase your stress and thus increase the tinnitus (talk about a vicious circle). Address your sleep as soon as possible.


Let me know in the comments if there are any new techniques that are working for you! Hope to see you all soon!

About Author: Taylor Wilson


Taylor Wilson H.I.D I was born and raised in the Peterborough area, so I’m thrilled to be back in town serving my community. I started with The Ear Depot over 5 years ago as a Communications Disorders Assistant (CDA) and I'm now almost completed my training as a Hearing Instrument Dispenser. As someone who enjoys a good cup of coffee and chat with my family or friends, I understand the importance of being able to hear and understand the conversation going on around you in any environment. I’m looking forward to serving you to ensure you’re hearing the best you can be.